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Our Integrated Farming (IF) is a whole farm management system which aims to deliver more sustainable agriculture. Our dynamic approach is dynamic and can be applied to any farming system around the world. It involves attention to detail and continuous improvement in all areas of our farming business through informed management processes and community engagement.



We formed this company as a way to be contributing members of the economic welbeing of Abia State and as we grow, incorporate other Nigerian States. Living in a community where widows receive no social safety net and many languish in abject poverty, our company has made it our duty to produce integrated farming such as organic vegetables and fisheries.


The most impressive aspect of our aquaculture is the integration of fish farming with farming of agricultural crops, including vegetable farming. Integrated farming is a traditional practice that has in recent years been further supported by the concept of an all-round 'development of agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and other sideline occupations. Although integrated farming is economically and environmentally sound, the motivation for integration is the national policy of diversification of production.


Advantages of integration

The advantages of integration are obvious. As far as fish production is concerned, it serves the major purpose of providing cheap feedstuffs and organic manure for the fish ponds, thereby reducing the cost and need for providing compounded fish feeds and chemical fertilizers. By reducing the cost of fertilizers and feedstuffs the overall cost of fish production is reduced and profits increased. The profit from fish culture is often increased 30-40 percent as a result of integration. Secondly, the overall income is increased by adding pig and/or poultry raising, grain and vegetable farming, etc., which supplement the income from fish farming. Our focus now is vegetables and fisheris.

Thirdly, by producing grain, vegetables, fish  products, the community becomes self-sufficient in regard to food and this contributes to a high degree of self-reliance. Fourthly, the silt from the ponds which is used to fertilize crops, increases the yield of crops at a lower cost and the need to buy chemical fertilizer is greatly reduced. It is estimated that about one third of all the fertilizer required for farming in the country comes from fish ponds. The production of freshwater pearls in fish ponds by freshwater mussels provides one more additional source of income.
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